Celebrating the progress made toward the eradication of polio, but acknowledging that there is still work to do, Brookings Rotarians observed World Polio Day 2023 with a Mayoral Proclamation and a "fun"raiser to raise awareness and support. Brookings Mayor Ope Niemeyer was a special guest at the October 24 meeting to read and present to Club President Michael Gonda a proclamation declaring it "World Polio Day" in Brookings. Later in the afternoon, Rotarians gathered at The Lanes for the Club's first "BOWLIO AGAINST POLIO." Organizers are already making plans for next year's event, working toward the day when polio is completely eradicated from the planet. 'WE'RE THIS CLOSE!"
Mayor Ope with President Michael
Thanks for your support of Bowlio Against Polio, Rotarians!
Nice form, Darrell!